It takes a special person to become a journalist. It is easy to forget someone has to research stories and dig deeper into them to give the information out to the public such as in a newspaper. The right gift can show your appreciation for all of their hard work as well as show your support for what they do.
Perfect Gifts for Journalists
Genuine Leather Messenger Bag
Every journalist needs a reliable way to transport their work materials. Whether they are more old-school and enjoy pen and paper or they have a laptop to do their writing, they need a reliable Leather Shoulder Bag. They can be sure they are ready to take their work with them in any scenario with a reliable messenger bag.
ASICS Running Shoes
The ASICS Running Shoes are a great way to give a gift that goes a mile. This job calls for long days of walking and even running. Not to mention these shoes are also a great pair to wear outside of work. A pair of shoes that are both comfortable and stylish is a safe bet.
Samsung Chromebook Plus
Portability is always a good thing to keep in mind when buying a gift for a journalist. Giving them a Samsung Chromebook Plus provides them with an easy and quick way to look up any information they may need to do some research on. I also like that this laptop is quite powerful for the price point.
A great gift that is very practical is this Office Desk. This is a great desk that is small enough to put just about anywhere, while also being very sturdy. This desk also has a very professional look to it that will give the journalist a great feeling each time they sit and work at it.
Mesh Office Chair
A comfortable chair can have a huge impact on your entire day. This Mesh Office Chair combines comfort and a professional look into one. This chair is reasonably priced and will provide great back support for the journalist. No one likes having back problems and a supportive chair is a great way to prevent these problems.
Blue Light Blocking Glasses
Staring at a screen for hours on end can be harmful to the eyes. In today’s world, most people spend a good portion of the day staring at a screen between both a computer and a cell phone. A great way to protect your eyesight is with Blue Light Blocking Glasses. These glasses are very stylish and have a professional look and feel to them.
Flexispot Standing Desk
Another way to make sure that your journalist stays healthy while working is to get this FLEXISPOT Standing Desk. Sitting for long periods of time is not good for posture and can lead to back problems and other health issues. This is also great because they do not need a whole new desk, they can just set it on top of the one they have now and switch between sitting and standing when it is needed.
Retro Mechanical Keyboard
If your journalist loves the retro feel of a typewriter then this is sure to be a memorable gift. This Qwerkywriter Keyboard is a perfect mix of old and new. Although this is one of the more expensive gifts on this list, this is one that would be remembered for a long time and would be sure to spark the interest of anyone who sees it.
Cuisinart Coffeemaker
Early mornings and late nights can be a drag… especially without caffeine. The Cuisinart Coffeemaker can help finish out a long night of writing or give a kick of energy to the day. This coffeemaker gives flexibility as well to choose between a single serving of coffee or a whole pot.
Best. Journalist. Ever. Mug
The Best. Journalist. Ever. Mug is a thoughtful way to make sure they know how much they are appreciated each time they drink their coffee. This cup not only will keep their precious coffee warm but is also very stylish at the same time. A little bit of motivation to start or end a day can go a long way.
Floral Typewriter Dictionary Art
The Typewriter Dictionary Art is a way to give a gift that a journalist can use in either their home or office. Wall art can spice up many different spaces while also showing how unique and special the person is.
Digital Voice Recorder
There isn’t always time to write things down as a journalist. With a Digital Voice Recorder, having a pen that doubles as a voice recorder can make sure the journalist gets every detail, even the ones that they didn’t get to jot down.
Paper Junkie To Do List Notepads
This may not be the most exciting of gifts to give, but it is sure to be a useful one. These Notepads are sure to be used frequently by the journalist. The best gifts are sometimes the ones that are the most practical. They do not always have to be the most expensive or exciting.
Personalized Leather Portfolio
Give the journalist a unique and stylish way to store and write their stories with a Personalized Leather Padfolio. This gives them a quick and convenient way to jot down quick ideas as they come along. The customization also adds an extra spark to this gift.
Ernest Hemingway Quote Pen
Ernest Hemingway was a great journalist and writer and has influenced many people. This Ernest Hemingway Pen is a great way to add motivation to the journalists day as well as being very unique.
Lakeside Co. Typewriter Coasters
Typewriter anything is a great idea for a gift for a journalist. This Typewriter Coaster Set is a great decorative piece to add to a journalist’s home or office space. A coaster like this could be a great conversation starter while also protecting surfaces.
Great Indian Leather Journal Diary
A great journal is a staple item for a journalist. The Leather Journal Diary adds style as well as a quick and convenient way for your journalist to always have a place to write down their ideas as they come along.
Journalist Handle It Water Bottle
I think we all can relate to this water bottle at least at some point. Sometimes it is best to let the professionals handle it. This Journalist Water Bottle is a great way to keep your favorite journalist hydrated while also providing a laugh to anyone that reads it.
A Gift From God Film
A Gift From God film is a way to make sure that you give them a unique gift about the subject they are so passionate about. After a long day of work, what better way to relax than to watch a movie at home?
Write! Typewriter Necklace
A Write! Typewriter Necklace is a cheap and simple gift to give to a journalist. This could be a stylish piece of jewelry that they could wear. This piece could also be a great decoration to their office and show off their unique style.
Vintage Typewriter Model
Typewriters were a huge breakthrough for the world, and especially for journalists. The Retro Typewriter Model can be a great addition to the journalists home or office space and remind them how much times have changed in their field.
Definition Of A Journalist T-Shirt
A more simple gift like this Definition Of A Journalist T-Shirt is a great gift for someone with a sense of humor. This shirt is sure to get a laugh or two while they are wearing it out and around. Now no one will wonder who this person is that is always writing things down and asking questions. This shirt is also very soft and comfortable to wear throughout the day.
Writing & Reporting For The Media
Everyone needs some additional learning in their field at some point. This Writing and Reporting book can be great for both an aspiring journalist as well as a more experienced one. In this constantly changing world, constant learning is a great way to always have the upper hand.
Lilly Pulitzer Reusable Bag
Another way to transport all of the journalist’s equipment is with this Lilly Pulitzer Reusable Bag. This bag is also very stylish while also holding all of the necessary equipment while on the move. Some people would rather have a more stylish bag that will stand out and not blend into the crowd.
Strong Woman Journalist Mug
Want to put a smile on your favorite female journalist’s face? She would love to know how proud you are of her and how much you support her. This Journalism Mug would be a great reminder of how hard she works each day.
Journalist/Reporter Bracelet
A stylish piece of jewelry is always a great gift idea for a journalist. They would love wearing this Journalist Bracelet both during the job and outside of work as well.
Typewriter Pencil Cup
A great way to spice up any journalists desk is with this Typewriter Pencil Cup. This cup does a great job of storing pens, pencils, and other supplies that the journalist needs available on their desk while also providing a stylish and unique touch.
How We Selected Gifts for Journalists
When looking for a gift for a journalist, functionality is the number one criteria. They are always on the move and it makes sense to get them a gift that you know will be useful for them every time they go to work. I would hate to get a gift for someone only to realize that it has broken a short time after they have received it.
The second most important factor to consider when buying a gift for a journalist is to ensure that it is something that will last. Since they are often traveling to and from locations to get stories, it is important that the gift can withstand travel or help them to get there.
FAQs – Gifts for Journalists
What do you buy a young journalist?
Younger journalists are more in tune with technology and would greatly benefit from the Samsung Chromebook. They will love always having the option of writing something down or being able to pull out a laptop to write their stories with or to do any research. A younger journalist may also enjoy a good film to inspire them to keep pursuing their passion of getting their stories out to the public. The metal water bottle is also geared more towards younger journalist’s and I am sure they would get a kick out of it.
What do you buy an older journalist?
More experienced journalists would enjoy a gift such as the Asics running shoes. Comfort is always important, especially when they are getting older. Older journalists may be more used to writing things down with a pen rather than on a laptop. The leather notebook would be a great idea for someone who has always loved writing with a pen and paper.
What are some thoughtful gifts for a journalist?
A great way to show some extra effort in the gift that you are giving to a journalist is to personalize it such as with the personalized leather portfolio. Personalization can really make a difference and show how much you support them. Another thoughtful gift on this list would be the Asics running shoes. This is a gift that may not seem too exciting, but they will be thankful that their feet will not hurt after a long day at work. I also believe the blue light blocking glasses mentioned earlier in this list are also one of the more thoughtful gifts. These go to show that you care more about just getting them a gift but also you care about their well-being.
What is the best gift for the journalist who has everything?
Everyone can always benefit from additional learning such as the Writing and Reporting for the Media book. The typewriter wall art is also a gift that even the most experienced journalist that seems to have everything would appreciate. Customizable gifts such as the personalized portfolio are also a good gift for someone who has everything. They will still appreciate the unique gift that was made specifically for them. I also think getting these people that seem to have everything some office items is always a good idea such as the standing desk and the pencil holder. These gifts could always be used by someone even if they seem to have everything they need.
What are the best Cost-Effective Gifts for Journalists?
Gift-giving can be an expensive affair. No one wants to spend a lot on a gift if they aren’t sure the recipient will absolutely love it. Some of the more cost-effective gifts on this list include the typewriter pendant. This gift also provides the flexibility of being used both as a jewelry piece as well as a decoration in a home or office. Another cost-effective idea on this list is either of the mugs that are listed above. The mugs are also a great gift that you know they will use most days if they are coffee or tea drinkers. The blue light blocking glasses are also a cheaper item on this list that will really help out the journalist in the long run.